
Bring Maestro Gordon J. Johnson to your orchestra.


As a guest conductor, Gordon Johnson has led concerts with over twenty-five different orchestras in the United States and throughout the world.   His rapport with audiences and musicians have led to repeat engagements.  Gordon is available to join lead your orchestra in a range of performances including classics, ballet, film score recording and pops.  A full list of orchestras can be found here.


Acknowledged for his experience in interacting with young musicians, Gordon is well known as an experienced adjudicator.  Whether it be young artist competitions, university forums or high school solo and ensemble contests, Gordon brings his knowledge and sensitivity to evaluating the accomplishments of young musicians.   He is known for his meaningful and useful feedback on how young musicians can best achieve their goals.

School Orchestra Festivals

Gordon has led numerous university and high school orchestra festivals.  His approach ensures that rehearsals are the focal part of the experience lending themselves towards understanding and loving the music.  The resultant concerts are always festive occasions.  He is available for university residencies and high school orchestra festivals. A list of appearances can be found here.


Noted for his thirty-five years as music director of three orchestral organizations, Gordon has a wealth of useful information for young conductors. “Once you have the job, now what?”  A young conductor can be the best musician on the planet, however, lack of experience with staff and personnel can lead to  their downfall.  His seminar on how to succeed as a musical leader has been hailed by the University of Utah, the University of Providence, University of Minnesota, and the University of Oregon.

To arrange a concert, festival appearance, adjudication or a seminar send a message to or contact Gordon through this online form.